Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Belles~N~Beaus Designs Interview

When did you start sewing/creating and why?

I started sewing when I was in middle school. My mom tried to teach me and I wasn't very interested so I didn't do it for long. I went back to a sewing machine when Ethan was born, almost 7 years ago because I wanted Ethan to have special outfits for his birthday, Christmas, etc.

When did you start selling on ebay?

I started selling my designs on ebay over 6 years ago!! Yikes! I started making clothing for Ethan and everyone that saw them told me I should sell them, so I started listing them on ebay and offering them in boutiques in Metro-Atlanta.

What was the first thing you sold on ebay?

When I first started selling on ebay, I specialized in overalls and offered mostly hand-painted designs. My first ebay sale was a pair of hand-painted Wiggles overalls for $75 and I am still friends with the customer that bought them. :o)

When my Snoopy overalls sold for $95, I was ecstatic!

What is your favorite design and why?

I have so many favorite designs, it is hard to choose! LOL.
My favorite recent girls design would have to be the Cat in the Hat set because it came out so fun!

An older favorite would be my Strawberry Shortcake set that was a custom request for a birthday party:

And, finally, a favorite boys design would have to be my frog sheriff set because I put so much detail into it and Ethan loved it!

What do you enjoy doing, other than sewing?

Other than sewing, I enjoy spending time with my family. I am very anxious for school to get out so I can spend all day with Ethan, doing fun things. I read a lot of novels and I enjoy working in the yard and redecorating the house. I teach preschool, at a private Methodist preschool, so I am off during the summer and can spend lots of time out on the lake with my hubby and Ethan.

What else would you like to add?

I feel truly blessed to be able to do something that I absolutely adore doing. I have had such an amazing experience with my design business. I had the honor of working with Larry Lucas Inc. at the Atlanta Apparell Mart, the largest showroom on the children's floor of the Mart. While it was a great experience, I quickly learned that wholesale wasn't my cup of tea. I missed the contact with my customers, it was just too impersonal, and I quickly tired of making the same, basic, items over and over...and over, LOL. I enjoy making designs with tons of details and applique and hearing the reactions of the children when they receive their garments.

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